The Girl in the Spider’s Web (2018)

This was a movie I didn’t like. Clair Foy is great, but I would have preferred to see the actors from the The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo reprise their roles for this sequel. More importantly, the plot wasn’t as interesting or tightly crafted, there was a lot of predictability (not helped by the fact that the trailer almost literally gives away the entire story), and Lisbeth Salander’s capabilities seem to swing between full-on super hero and average Joe as convenient for moving the story in the desired direction.

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011)

This was a movie I liked. It probably helped that I went into it without any expectations, not having read the book on which it was based. Anyway, I thought the lead actors did a good job, the plot was interesting, and the actions and abilities of the characters generally seemed consistent and within the realm of believability for the given scenario. Also, I can get behind a soundtrack that includes a Karen O cover of a Led Zeppelin song.